Friday, July 4, 2008

futsal's updates.

like always,dat tuesday nite,we all went for some futsal at century square,yeah except matt,his feet were still plastered with his trusty hansaplast,po0r lad.but aft the game,my foot went terribly painful,yelahh injured jgk skett,thx for the thought of blocking a long shot but it turned to be a mishap,his fo0t steadily miss the ball and went onto the back of my right feet.sounds owkay but the pain worsen when sun arouse the next morning.stairs are like a huge obstacle,even the small one like the one in front of D-26-B's main staircase.but all's well by now. oh yeah,b4 i forgot,faiz's rear tyre has been sabotaged,said him.yelahh a screw found underneath the tyre and tbenam str8 into that rubber tyre(yer,i mean 90°). no hitchhiking but two cars(kete hafiz and zahir kot if i'm not mistaken) st0pped nearby to solve that out for us. but well no picca at haku~